Saturday, December 15, 2012

December Challenge. DAY 14: When the universe seemed to be chanting “Quit! Quit! Quit!” what did you do?

The popular consensus is that quitting is bad. That you must always persevere until you're successful... But when you realize you're going in the wrong direction, it's a wise man who decides to quit and rectify his path...

For sometime now I've had the feeling I was in the wrong place, going in the wrong direction and for the wrong reasons, but when you've invested time and effort in a project, in a certain path, it's hard to decide to "quit" and start anew...

This year, I experienced one of those situations when you feel like the whole universe is "conspiring" to help you go in the direction that you really want to go... The universe helped me to "go gently into that goodnight" and not fight the exit route that I was "offered"... Instead It felt like I was given a push in the right direction. In the direction where I really wanted to go, even if it was scary or uncertain...

But sometimes ¨uncertainty¨ is another way to say "opportunity", while "certainty" is a synonym of "doom"... So here's to quitting when the enterprise in question is not worthy of your perseverance, and to persevering when taking the road less traveled.

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