Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December Challenge, Day 19: Everything's going to be alright!

What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead?

Believing that "everything will be alright" is basic to keep a positive outlook in life. To cope with hardship, loss, disease or even death, we need to believe that everything will be alright... Even if it's not now, It will be alright... Even if it's not in this life, but rather in the next one, it will be alright... This is at the root of many religious beliefs: That there will be an afterlife and we will live happy there, whether it's Valhalla, Heaven or Reincarnation, most cultures need this idea to cope with fear of death.

But we, of course, want it to be alright HERE AND NOW...  So we put our faith in Saints, Jesus, God... The Universe... The "Law of Attraction"... Whatever works for each one of us... The truth is that there is no logical basis for believing that positive thought helps in making things happen, and yet... it works! 

I believe things will be alright, because every time I've found myself in need, things have worked out! When I've suffered a loss, I've pulled through and it HAS been alright in the end... So I basically believe in my experience and the empirical data that I have collected. 

I also have the suspicion that it is this very positive outlook on life that causes things to be "Alright" in the end... That we provoke this miracle by believing it will happen, just as children believe that someone will leave a coin under their pillow or presents under their tree... It doesn't matter who is responsible for actually making it happen, there's a point when they don't want to know, they just know it will happen and that's all that matters... 

So whether you believe that some outside force will help you, or whether you believe in some magnetic pseudo-scientific law, or whether you just believe in your own capacity to pull through no matter what... In the end all that matters is that you KNOW is will be alright... And if you do, it WILL be alright!

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