Thursday, December 6, 2012

December Challenge Day 6: What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2013? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

What I can do without? Not an original list, but here goes:

1. Negative thoughts
2. Complaining
3. Laziness
4. Those excess pounds
5. Clutter
6. Regrets
7. Over thinking
8. Wasting time and energy on things that are not worth it
9. Worrying
10. Self doubt
11. Telling people old corny stories I've already told them

How do I intend to get rid of these things?

1. With positive thoughts
2. By remembering that complaining doesn't resolve anything
3. Will power... and coffee!
4. Exercise, a healthy diet, will power... and more will power...
5. Order!
6. By remembering that you cannot change what has been... but you can change what is to come, and must focus on that!
7. Keeping my thoughts on the here and now... Focusing on the job at hand and on the things that can be done, rather than those that cannot be helped...
8. Choosing the things I devote my attention to...
9. Remembering that worrying is as effective in solving a problem as chewing gum...
10. Self confidence!
11. ok, maybe this is the one my friends and family would rather I focus on... but I don't really know how to solve this one... so I guess everyone will just learn to live with my old corny stories they've heard before...

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