Thursday, December 20, 2012

December Challenge, Day 20: Energy. Getting it, losing it, wasting it, transforming it...

DAY 20: Energy, Where are you losing energy in your life? When/where are you most drained? What energizes you? What jolts you, lifts you up, gets you giddy? Makes you relax? What has you feeling better immediately no matter what?

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” 

- Albert Einstein

The problem is that our energy comes from calories, and if we don't burn the calories to fuel our energy, it gets stored for future usage... and this is a case where too much "stock" can be negative...
So what drains my energy? overstocking it drains me heavily (pun intended)... Funnily enough, using it actually energizes me... So exercise of any kind -running, swimming, weight training, cycling...- is my main source of energy, both physically and -most important- psychologically.  
Exercise and sport in general makes me feel "upped", pepped -up, it improves my mood and my general well-being. I know it has to do with endorphins, and in the end it's a chemical effect on the brain, but also, being fit makes you feel better about yourself, and its one of the best ways to work up a healthy appetite, increase your libido, and sleep better at night...  
On the other side of the spectrum TV is probably the single activity that drains my energy the most -if I allow it... In the "right" measure, it can help me get my mind off things, and relax... True I can achieve this by reading or listening to soft music, but sometimes a sit-com or a good  TV series can really help you escape worries and help you "turn your brain off" for a while...  The best scenario is when I can have a good work-out at the end of a productive day, and then watch a little TV before bed... As long as I don't stay up too much... 

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